Wayne’s Latest Best Seller

The Power of Relentless: 7 Secrets to Achieving Mega-Success, Financial Freedom, and the Life of Your Dreams
Harness the Secret Principles of RELENTLESS!
Are you ready to supercharge your career … grow your business beyond your wildest dreams … turn your life up to eleven? Learn the secrets of success from “Mr. Relentless” himself. Capitalist evangelist Wayne Allyn Root—bestselling author, reality TV producer, serial entrepreneur, former vice presidential nominee, and business speaker on the international circuit—reveals the seven principles of relentless that will take you to a level you never imagined.
As Interviewed and Profiled on Media Around the World

Wayne Has Hosted or Produced TV Shows on These Media

What Does Wayne Do
to Explode Your Business?
Wayne is the Face and Voice of Your Company in TV, Radio, Infomercial and Internet advertising and marketing campaigns.
Wayne is the Face and Voice of Your Company on your web site, videos to clients and employees, webinars, email blasts.
Wayne conducts Sales, Marketing, Promotion & Branding Training seminars for your sales force.
Wayne is the opening and closing speaker at your business conference, convention, or company event.
Wayne is a consultant and master branding expert for your business. His expertise is sales, marketing, celebrity branding, promotion, communications and media credibility.
Wayne Root Spokesman Videos
For dozens of companies and diverse industries.
Fortem Resources
Gold Bureau
Landis Tax Service
Dr. Vita
Euro Pacific
Advanced Medical Hair Institute
Negative Ion Water
Corporate Video
Web Design & Online Marketing
Political Action Committee

Wayne Allyn Root Raves
“You’re in the right place with The Power of Relentless. Opportunity is knocking, and Wayne Root will show you how to seize it. He knows how to be tenacious and relentless—and how to win!”
– Donald J. Trump
Chairman, The Trump Organization
Executive Producer, “Celebrity Apprentice”
Bestselling Author, “The Art of the Deal”
2016 Candidate for GOP Presidential Nomination
“My grandfather, B.C. Forbes, who founded the publication that bears his name, particularly admired what he called “stick-to-it-iveness.” Wayne Allyn Root demonstrates how to apply that crucial characteristic to all aspects of your life in order to achieve well-rounded success in this vibrantly written and engaging book.”
– Steve Forbes, Chairman Forbes Media
Editor-in-Chief, Forbes magazine
Former GOP Presidential contender
“Wayne Root teaches what being an entrepreneur is all about…”
– Charles Schwab, Chairman & CEO
The Charles Schwab Corporation
“Wayne’s success is mind-blowing…talking to Wayne Allyn Root is like talking to Tony Robbins.”
– FOX News Las Vegas
“Wayne’s…(is) the Warren Buffett of his world.”
– James J. Cramer
Host of “Mad Money”
“Wayne Allyn Root makes you proud…Wayne is Chicken Soup for the Soul…”
– The late Jack Kemp
Former Republican Presidential candidate
1996 GOP Vice Presidential nominee
Secretary of Housing 1989-93
United States Congressman (R-NY) 1971-89
“The things Wayne Root cares about…speak to a lot of Americans.”
– TIME magazine
“The Power of RELENTLESS should be required reading in every Business School in America- you can literally feel Wayne Root’s passion, high-octane energy and relentless spirit jump out of the pages of this book. I am left speechless!”
– Ronald L. Loveless
Former Assistant to the President of Wal Mart,
Former Senior V.P., GM, Sam’s Clubs
“I’ve known Wayne since we were both 7 years old. I’ve had a front row seat to his passion, relentless drive and success. Study him and learn from him. ‘The Power of Relentless’ works.”
– Peter H. Diamandis
Founder & Chairman, XPRIZE & Singularity University
New York Times Best Selling author of “Abundance & BOLD”
“When Wayne asked me to read his latest book, I didn’t think I had the time, but he was relentless. But once I starting reading I just couldn’t stop. I only wish he’d written it sooner. Chock full of heartfelt personal anecdotes that entertain as well as inspire, the book provides a powerful motivational pep talk as only Wayne Allyn Root can deliver it.”
-Peter Schiff
President, Euro Pacific Capital
Chairman, Schiff Gold
New York Times Bestselling Author of “The Real Crash”
“Wayne Root has a brilliant mind, but in this book he makes it clear that that is not a unique characteristic. He shows the reader how to use their brilliant minds to take what they have, to get what they want. It’s a fun read.”
–Benjamin S Carson Sr. MD
Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins Medicine
2016 Candidate for GOP Presidential Nomination
“Wayne Root is a middle class warrior. Wayne has drawn up the blueprint for saving the middle class and restoring the American Dream.”
– Jim DeMint
Former United States Senator
Co-Founder US Senate Tea Party Caucus
President of The Heritage Foundation
“President Obama, look out. There’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not afraid to speak his mind LOUDLY.”
– Mike Huckabee
Republican Presidential candidate 2016
44th Governor of Arkansas
Former Fox News Channel TV host
“Wayne Root is truly relentless. No matter your field of endeavor- business, sales, picking winners on Wall Street- it’s always dependent on your being relentless in the face of challenge, adversity, obstacles. Wayne understands success is about cracking the door open one inch, pursuing your dreams relentlessly, refusing to accept defeat, then banging the door down. Bravo.”
– John Mauldin
Chairman, Mauldin Companies
Editor, “Thoughts from the Frontline”
New York Times Bestselling Author of “End Game”
“There never would have been a bestselling book or mega hit movie called ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ if I wasn’t relentless. I was relentlessly hungry. I was relentlessly driven. I was relentlessly intense. I was relentlessly aggressive. I built an empire. Now I’ve comeback bigger than ever. ‘The Power of Relentless’ works. Just be sure and put ethics and integrity first.”
– Jordan Belfort
The Real-Life “Wolf of Wall Street”
New York Times Best-selling Author
International Business Speaker & Sales Legend
“The Power of Relentless is the bible of the new digital age and a powerful new way to achieve the highest levels of personal, professional and financial success. My path to success started by reading every major success book. This book goes beyond anything I’ve ever read. Wayne Root will leave a legacy that will inspire readers to realize their dreams for generations to come.”
– Joseph Sugarman
Founder & Chairman
BluBlocker Sunglasses
Marketing, Branding, Copywriting legend
“As a serial entrepreneur, I have been up and down the success ladder more than once. My family mantra is, “The harder I fall, the higher I bounce.” You have to be “Relentless” to bounce in business. Fortunately, at the age of 55, I once more bounced “relentlessly.” Our kiosk company has sold over $1 billion and a half of products in the Specialty Retail Industry. They say defeat is not an option. At least it is not a desirable one. Wayne Root is the epitome of being “RELENTLESS.” His drive is inspirational, and his advice is germane to your business and your personal success.”
– Max James
Founder & Executive Chairman
American Kiosk Management
Member, Specialty Retail Hall of Fame
Air Force Academy Distinguished Graduate Award winner
Founders Board Director, Air Force Academy Endowment Foundation
Philanthropist, Founder & Chairman Camp Soaring Eagle Foundation
“No guts, no glory. Without question, author Wayne Root is the most relentless person I have ever known. Which is why it’s no surprise that, in his fabulous new book ‘The Power of RELENTLESS’ he does such a great job of teaching the reader how to get whatever he or she wants out of life. No doubt about it, Wayne has chutzpah! “
– Robert Ringer
New York Times #1 bestselling author of “Winning Through Intimidation” and “Looking Out for Number One”
“As the founding Editor of Ms. Fitness Magazine, I can honestly say that the 12-step program found in ‘The Power of Relentless’ is a boot camp to success, fitness and power in ALL areas of life. Wayne Root has taken the concept of mind/body to a powerful level while organically tossing in what most have missed: that financial fitness is a vital part of the picture to having the life of your dreams. “
– Greta Blackburn
Editor, Ms. Fitness Magazine
Co-author “The Immortality Edge”
“Energy, passion, intensity and unbridled enthusiasm are the keys to Wayne’s incredible life. I’m proud to place this dog-eared book on my nightstand as a daily reminder that being RELENTLESS is the key to opportunity, success, wealth, and ultimately happiness.”
– Phil Gordon
Professional Poker Player, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
Star of “Celebrity Poker Showdown” on Bravo
CEO and Founder of Chatbox.com
“Wayne Root is on the money with ‘The Power of Relentless.’ This book describes exactly the principles I utilized to start a small company in a basement and hyper-growth into the largest online vitamin retailer in the world, winning the INC 500 Hall of Fame award for the fastest growing company in America, followed by NASDAQ IPO and recently sold to Fortune 100 company. Wayne combines a relentless pit bull mindset with the perfect balance of body, mind, spirit and nutrition. He’s got the winning formula.”
– Wayne Gorsek, Founder & Chairman
Entrepreneur & Philanthropist
“The Canadian physician Dr. Marion Hilliard wrote that he ‘would never wish anyone a life of prosperity and security. These are bound to betray.” Instead he wished ‘for adventure, struggle, and challenge.’ Wayne Root’s Relentless is a wonderful account of his own failures and successes, poignantly narrated. What caught my fancy is that Relentless is not just a book about monetary success but about contentment, peace of mind, generosity, health, and friendship – all qualities which remind us that a truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.”
– Marc Faber
Founder, Marc Faber Limited, Hong Kong
Financial Commentator on CNBC, Bloomberg
Editor, “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report”
“The Power of Relentless is the answer to what you do when life smashes you in the face. Wayne Root shows you how to fight back and throw a knockout punch.”
– David Bego
Founder & CEO
The EMS Group, Executive Management Services, Inc.
A nationwide commercial cleaning and facility services company
Author, “The Devil at our Doorstep”
“I was a college football Coach of the Year, then a 2-time AFC Coach of the Year in the NFL. I can tell you ‘The Power of Relentless’ is the same playbook I used to win football games at the highest level and mold young men into champions. When you read this book you will become closer to success in your chosen field of endeavor.”
– Ron Meyer
2-Time AFC Coach of Year, New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts
“Wayne Allyn Root is charismatic, dynamic, passionate, a great communicator, and presents economic ideas in a simple, easy-to-understand way.”
-Mark Skousen
Economist & Economics Professor
Author, “The Making of Modern Economics”
“One of the three most important, must-read columnists and commentators in America.”
– Bill Cunningham
Host of “The Bill Cunningham Show” Premiere Radio Network
“Wayne Allyn Root is a millionaire television host, author, CEO, patriot and risk-taker. For anyone who has met Wayne Allyn Root, it’s no surprise that he has propelled himself to the highest echelons of success in the gaming, entertainment, business and publishing worlds. His exuberance, enthusiasm and winning smile speak volumes.”
– Millionaire magazine
“Wayne Allyn Root is a Las Vegas legend…”
– The Financial Times
“What Wayne wants, Wayne Root gets.”
– Reason Magazine
“Wayne Allyn Root wants you to be able to become the next Wayne Allyn Root. And you should take him up on it.”
– American Spectator Magazine

The Bio of Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne has been branded by media across the globe as “Mr. Relentless” and “the Capitalist Evangelist.” Starting out as a blue collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) and small businessman, this real-life Renaissance Man has achieved remarkable levels of success in the fields of business, politics, media, television, sports and publishing. He is a CEO, serial entrepreneur, renowned branding strategist, bestselling author, international business speaker, television producer and national media personality- making over 1200 appearances annually on the topics of business, economics and American politics. He is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, Fox News regular, and political commentator.
Wayne is the author of 10 books, including two national bestsellers, and three Amazon bestsellers. His book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” was the #1 political bestseller in bookstores…#1 in three categories at Amazon (Finance, Economics and Politics)…and was a Top 5 bestseller for 10 consecutive weeks.
Wayne’s latest book is “The Power of RELENTLESS!”
Wayne is one of the most popular syndicated columnists in the political world- with millions of readers at sites like FoxNews, TheBlaze, TownHall, Breitbart, DailyCaller, PersonalLiberty, Forbes and MarketWatch.
On the business side, Wayne is an international speaker, keynoting business conferences in places like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Honolulu, Maui, London, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Singapore, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and South Africa. He has spoken to business audiences as large as 10,000, as well as political audiences as large as 40,000.
Wayne serves as spokesman and “Chief Rainmaker” for multiple national and international companies. He is recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on entrepreneurship, salesmanship, leadership, sales, marketing, promotion, celebrity branding, networking and media credibility.
As a prolific television producer, Wayne has created and produced several hit television series on multiple TV networks- including the #1 rated show on Travel Channel.
Wayne has been dubbed by the national media as “the King of Vegas.” But he’s much more than that. He’s the kingmaker- he’ll show any businessperson or entrepreneur how to brand themselves as king of their industry!
Wayne resides in the suburbs of Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the father of 4 beautiful children, including his oldest, Dakota Root- a recent Magna Cum Laude graduate of Harvard and Oxford Universities.

Wayne on national TV waving to crowd at 2008 Libertarian National Convention, after winning the Vice Presidential nomination.
Contact Wayne at:
Wayne@WayneRoot.com or Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com or WayneRoot@gmail.com
Office Phone:
Office Address:
2505 Anthem Village Drive Ste 318
Henderson, NV 89052
For media inquiries:
Sandy Frazier, SandyPR
Email: Sandy@mystic-art.com
Phone: 516 735-5468
Hollis Barnhart, GM of Cool Hand Root LLC
Email: jbplaysLV@aol.com