Belongs To The Prepared!


Hello I'm Wayne Allyn Root. I'm a former Vice Presidential nominee, conservative national media personality, bestselling author, political commentator and true blue patriot. I'm also the father of four beautiful children ranging in age from 22 to 6 years old.

My life has been spent immersed in the business world. I'm a guy who understands economics. I'm a CEO, serial entrepreneur, senior economic adviser, spokesman for major companies and champion of capitalism. I lecture about entrepreneurship and business success across the globe.

I also understand Barack Obama and his plans better than anyone in this country. I was Obama's college classmate at Columbia University. In 2013, I wrote the #1 national bestselling book, The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide. The title sounds political, yet it was the #1 Finance book at Amazon!

I understand exactly what's happening to this economy and how you can protect yourself. So I wrote my new book, The Murder of the Middle Class with all the critical steps needed to insure Americans can both survive and thrive in 2014 - despite the approaching economic Armageddon.

The American middle class was once the richest middle class in the world. Not anymore. In towns and cities across the nation, our once-great middle class is under attack. Fortunately, your family doesn't have to be a victim any longer if you understand what's going on and take appropriate action now!

The Middle Class Weapon of Self-Defense

As I detail in my new book, President Obama's goal is to create a two-class society: the poor, and the super-rich.

Decades of progressivism in both parties have helped push America toward this goal, and President Obama hopes to finish their work.

Why? Because this two-class society cements the crony capitalism that feeds big government in power, permanently enshrined as the ruling class. Meanwhile, it keeps everyone else hooked on government dependency like a drug that's impossible to quit.

What's standing in the way of Obama and his pals? The middle class. That's why Obama wants to "murder" the middle class ... and he's almost succeeded. Life as you've known it is about to change quickly - pushing the rising U.S. Misery Index far beyond the Carter years of stagflation and rampant inflation.

In Chapter 23 of The Murder of the Middle Class, entitled "The Middle Class Weapon of Self-Defense", I explain why silver and gold are the bedrock foundation of any attempt to save the middle class financially.

My new Special Report, The Middle Class Weapon of Self-Defense and Timeless Truth About Money DVD produced for Swiss America, I share this same time-tested wisdom and strategy of using physical gold and silver as financial self-defense. This new 16-page special report and DVD are a preview of what's inside The Murder of the Middle Class.

Timeless Truth About Money features a half-hour journey into the unknown realms of economic reality that history should have taught us and why owning Gold is no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity.

CALL 800-289-2646 or register for a FREE The Middle Class Weapon of Self-Defense & Timeless Truth About Money DVD.

I promise, you'll finally understand how the middle class can survive and thrive. And why the future belongs to those who are prepared for it!